Many seek answers from various types of alternative practitioners. They feel that psychics, astrologers, and tarot card readers can see the future and provide guidance for the present. This article will provide an introduction to the tarot, giving you insight into the meaning of every card so that you can more readily grasp the efficacy of your tarot reading.
Every has heard of tarot cards, but how many people know the names and meanings of each tarot card? In each tarot deck are cards emblazoned with images and old symbols that represent tidbits of ancient knowledge, teachings, or archetypes. There are four suits of cards and a set of cards called the Major Arcana. Each of these cards has a special and separate meaning that contributes to the whole message of a reading.
The 'Fool' tarot card stands for unenlightened person; the 'Magician' represents a very talented person; the 'High Priestess' stands for wisdom and intuitive ability; the 'Empress' governs the cycle of birth, death and re-birth; the 'Emperor' stands for worldly power; following ceremonies and beliefs is represented by the 'Pope'; love is represented by the 'Lovers'; the 'Chariot' stands for struggle; Strength' represents exactly what it implies; the 'Hermit' stands for soul-searching; the 'Sun' represents contentment; while the 'Moon' is associated with feminism and seduction.
Tarot card suits each represent a different aspect of a person's life in them. One way to portray positivity is the "Star." Predicting mentality alterations and problems are done by the "Swords". A person's internal life and their personal evolution are referred to in the "Cups." Work changes are portrayed by the "Wands." The "Pentacles" suit show financial situations and wealth.
The card of 'Justice' is self explanatory and represents exactly what its name means. The card of 'Death' is more symbolic and signifies a death that is spiritual or mental. Martyrdom is representative of the 'Hanged Man'. The symbol for sudden change is the 'Tower'. 'Temperance' denotes balance and harmony. Self-examination is represented by 'Judgment'. Collectively these cards lead to the card 'World'.