Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Should Microsoft acquire Yahoo? - Tarot Answers

While "Microsoft acquirs Yahoo!" is talk of the town; i tried to analyze few possible scenarios via Tarot.

Would Microsoft be able to acquire Yahoo successfully?

Card: Queen of Wands

Interpretation: This acquisition brings success to doorstep for Microsoft. Microsoft seems to be dedicated to cause, optimistic and enthusiastic for this change. Microsoft would be able to make powerful impact on web search & advertising business.

Neither party should worry about what others think about this acquisition and carry business forward optimistically.

In short this acquisition seems to be friendly and easy going. If occurred; would bring enigmatic and creative changes to Microsoft.

What problems may arise during this acquisition?

Card: Ten of Wands

There is always price to pay. Analysts feel this huge takeover unlikely. Microsoft needs to pay nearly $50 billion – huge amount to takeover Yahoo for which Microsoft should be answerable to its investors. Further this acquisition may draw antitrust issues in picture.

Microsoft may struggle with overload and over-extension. This may bring a lot of responsibilities for Microsoft to make this acquisition fruitful at later stage. In short; this acquisition will put Microsoft under struggle, overload and heavy burden.

If acquisition is possible; would this venture be fruitful to both parties?

For Both

Card: Two of Wands

This acquisition would bring achievements, courage and power in business. This acquisition will make mark on world and would be inventive and different to past.

After acquisition; new venture will flourish new ideas and widen company’s perspectives. This card clearly shows that this is a time for initiative and invention.

Two number itself talks about M&A. Instead of doubling power; it would be wise decision to share power and make success of plans.

For Microsoft

Card: Six of Swards

This acquisition would help Microsoft to get over difficulties. Microsoft will head on better times. It is time for Microsoft to start new journey towards success overcoming all troubles.

For Yahoo

Card: Seven of Pentacles

It’s time for Yahoo to reap the crop of it’s till date efforts. Yahoo needs to be ready to make new move. It also indicates breaks from hard work. It is time to think of what have you achieved so far and how can you enjoy the fruits of your labor? However it is also important to evaluate where Yahoo is looking for to go and which road is better of it? There should be no fear in taking new path anyway.

What may be scenario for Google later due to this acquisition?

Card: Four of Cups

Irrespective Google holds nearly 60% market share in search; Google has to give away little or more to this acquisition. However in future; Google will be left with opportunities but Google may undergo doubts, hesitation and introspection. Or Google will feel lack of relationship. It also indicates that Google may need to think of getting into ventures with other players to be defensive against this acquisition. This card signifies that Google may be so defensive and self-absorbed right now that it cannot consider any offer or proposal. Some serious self-reflection or self-questioning is required.
